Monday, March 27, 2017

The Carnival

Welcome Readers! Today I will talk about a carnival at George W. Bush Elementary. At the carnival there will be bounce houses, game trucks, snowcones, food, face painting, silent auction and much more. It will be so much fun. It will be at George W. Bush Elementary if you want to come. It is April 7 from 6:30 - 9pm. We want every student to be there. It will be the most fun our eagles have had all year. We except all eagles and their families to attend. They won't want to miss it.

STAAR Test Tomorrow!

Welcome! Here are some things I know about Natalie and Ayden's feelings about the upcoming STAAR test. Ayden is ready for the STAAR test. Ayden thinks it is going to be hard but he is not nervous. Ayden likes to write about fiction things. Natalie is scared and nervous. Natalie likes to write about many things. I hope they do awesome on the STAAR test! Bye!

Friday, March 17, 2017

Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog! Here are some things I know about George W. Bush. George Walker Bush was the 43rd president. He was born in Connecticut. His birthday was July 6, 1946. His dad was George H. W. Bush. George's dad was the 41st president. George has brothers and sisters. George went to college. George joined the Texas Air National Guard. He got trained to be a fighter pilot. George started an oil company. He married Laura Welch. In 1988, George helped his dad. He liked baseball. In 1989, he was part of Texas Rangers team. In 1994 George won an election to be governor of Texas. George was president in 2000. He worked to lower taxes. In September, people attacked the United States and 3,000 got killed. George worked hard. The United States was not attacked again. George W. Bush was a good citizen. I like George W. Bush. Bye!!